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  • Citroen BX ambulance Heuliez
    Citroen BX ambulance Heuliez

    This wonderfully unique vehicle comes fresh from France and is very special with all included accessories.

    This ambulance was in use by the French army and this can still be seen from the marking on the car. This ambulance…

    € 3.500,00
  • Citroën BX 19 DIGIT
    Citroën BX 19 DIGIT

    The photos speak for themselves, this is truly a beautiful car and it has been restored with a lot of love and attention.

    This Citroen BX 19 digit from 1986 in the beautiful color Gris Renard is especially special because of its…

    € 8.999,00
  • Citroën BX  19TRS
    Citroën BX 19TRS

    This CITROEN BX 19 TRS BREAK from June 1985 is a very unique original pre-series BX break in the special color and the luxurious version.

    This car, which was produced well before its introduction (in August 1985), was probably…

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